Bethpage Air Show


Bethpage Air Show

airshow usa 2022

The Bethpage Air Show canceled the remainder of Saturday's lineup after Jones Beach was evacuated due to forecasted severe weather.

Bethpage Air Show Cancels Rest of Saturday Lineup Due to Forecasted Severe Weather.

The authorities took people off the beach from storms, which were supposed to bring lightning and thunder.

George Gorman, regional director of the New York Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, said the decision had been made to cancel the show around 12:50 p.m., and authorities had cleared the beach from storms that were expected to bring lightning and thunder.

Gorman said they expected to reopen the beaches once the storms passed, but the show would not resume on Saturday.

The event had started at the scheduled time of 10 a.m. despite cloudy and foggy conditions, and the organizers said the decision on participation was up to the pilots.
